Page:The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis III 1922 1.djvu/126

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The following were elected Associate Members. Dr. C Bose. Mrs. Brierley, Dr. Herford, Miss Ella Sharp.

The following alteration of Rule 8 ('All elections shall be made by ballot. Absent Members may communicate their vote to the Hon. Secretary. One adverse vote in six shall exclude'.) was proposed by the Council. After 'Hon. Secretary.' read 'One ad- verse vote in four shall exclude' instead of 'One adverse vote in six shall exclude'. This was carried.

Dr. Estelle Cole who had sent in the following resolution 'That there should be a woman representative on the Council of the Society' withdrew it after the discussion and voting upon Dr. Stoddart's alteration of Rule 5.

The two following resolutions (proposed by Dr. Cole):

1. That there should be some rule regarding the continual non-attendance of Associate Members at the Meetings.

2. That there should be some rule regarding the attendance of Members and Associate Members outside the London area.

were withdrawn after some discussion.

Miss Low moved that 'There should be a fixed date for the Annual General Meeting'. After a short discussion such a fixed date was considered impracticable.

Miss Low moved the following resolution, 'That nominations for Ofhcers and Council be sent to the Secretary not later than one month before the Annual General Meeting*. After some dis- cussion it was decided to add the following rule to the present rules, 'That nominations for Officers and Council, proposed alteration of rules, resolutions, etc. be sent in to the Hon. Secretary not later than one month before the date of the Annual General


It was decided to hold fortnightly meetil^s of Members and

Associate Members.

The Hon. Treasurer's report of the finances of the Society showed that the receipts amounted to £87 1 8s. gd., which included a balance from the previous year of &7 OS. od. The expenses were subscription to the Journal *3 8 os. od., subscription to the Association £15 l2s.6d., and Secretarial expenses £9 3s. jd-. leaving abalance in hand of S25 2S. gd.

The Hon. Secretary reported that the Society now consisted of thirteen Members and twenty-seven Associate Members. One Member, Mr. HiUer, had resigned, having joined the Vienna