Page:The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis III 1922 1.djvu/129

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intoxication leads to neurasthenic symptoms. He suggested that tuberculous auto-intoxication may give rise to an anxiety neurosis or a neurasthenia, and that it may precipitate a psycho-neurosis in a person psychically predisposed.

Members joined in a discussion of this paper.

HUNGARIAN PSYCHO-ANALYTICAL SOCIETY Report of the Society for 1921 (Continued)

A, Scientific Meetings^

October 3, ipsi. Dr. G^za Rbheim: Stone-shrine and Tomb. (Ethnological Remarks on Totemism and Cultural Stages in Australia.)

The totemism of the Northern and Central tribes of Australia differs from the similar forms of the Southern and Eastern groups chiefly with respect to these three distinguishing features ; the ideas concerning conception, the eating of the totem and the Intichiuma rites. In connection with this positive totemism (R6heim designates as negative the totemism of the Eastern tribes distinguished by the taboo of the totem-animal) appears a definite form of stone civilization (P.W.Schmidt); sacred stones occupy the chief place in the ritual, more especially in the magic of fruitfulness. The traditions of the Arunta indicate the northern origin of Uiese tribes, and it appears that a connection might well be estabHshed between the stone civilizations of Central Australia and that of Indonesia (J. W. Perry). In Indonesia as well as in Central Australia the estab- lishing of stone civilization is ascribed to divine powers. In Indo- nesia, as well, round stones having magical significance are to be found; they bear a definite relation to the tomb and are taken along on migrations in place of the corpse. If one could accept similar customs for the tribes considered to be the ancestors of the Arunta, the origin of Churinga would be easy to explain, The |

migrating tribes could not drag the corpse with them, therefore the stone took the place of the body. Since there persisted among the Arunta a faint memory that these ancestors used to be buried

' The minutes are made up from the written notes of the various speakers.