Page:The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis III 1922 1.djvu/139

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Annual Meeting on May 7, 7^57.

Present ; Behn-Eschenburg, Brun, Etter, Ffirst, Griininger Hof- mann, Liithy, Meier'-MuUer, Minkowski, E. Oberholzer, M. Ober- holzer, Peter, Pfister, Rorscliach, Tobler, Wehrii, and visitors.

Resigned : Fri, Dr. med. S. Kempner.

Transferred to the Berlin Society: Dr. M. Nachmansohn. -

Dr. E. Oberholzer: 'An Infantile Screen Memory',

It was resolved :

1. Atthe instance of the Special Committee, and of a majority ot the Executive Committee of the Society, that both medical and non-medical members of the Society should be prohibited from giving publicity to the fact of their membership in circulars, newspaper advertisements, etc., where there is a risk of its appearing that this has been done on business grounds or for purposes of advertisement.

2. With regard to "visitors (a matter upon which there is much division of opinion), that one tliird of the meetings tn each year should be held without visitors, and that the choice of them should be left to the President and to the reader of the paper.

< 3. In view of the superior number of the non-resident members that the meetings should be held on Fridays and Saturdays alternately.

4. That the proposal to postpone the next Congress of the International Association to the autumn of 1922 should be supported.

(The questionnaire from the Central Executive upon qualifi- cation for membership and the possibility of a diploma has' been circulated to members individually}.

The Executive Committee, consisting of F. Morel, Geneva, E. Oberholzer, Zflrich (President), O. Pfister, Zurich, H. Rohrschach, Herisau (Vice President), and P. Sarasin, Rheinau, was re-elected.

E. Liithy, Bale, has taken over the office of Treasurer ; Frh E. Furst (Zflrich) will undertake the distribution of jouinals.

Meeting on yune 18, ipsi.

Present : Brun, Etter, Furrer, Furst, Geiser, Griininger, Hofmann, Kielholz, Liithy, Meier-MiiUer, E. Oberholzer, M. Oberholzer, Peter, Pfister, Tobler, Wehrii, and visitors.

H. Zulliger (Visitor): 'Psycho-Analytic Side-Lights from Ex- perience in Primary Schools '.^

' See H. Zulliger, Schriften zur Seelenkunde und Erziehun^kunst. Bd. v., E. Bircher, Bern, 1921.