Page:The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis III 1922 1.djvu/23

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i.e. had feminine charms. If anyone hesitated to answer her question in the affirmative we have to assume that she was ex- posed to the danger of becoming overwhelmed by a male-sadistic impulse which was repressed with difficulty, and so fell into a state of anxiety at the rising tide of her masculinity.

1 should like to point out here that these various observations by no means do justice to the great multiplicity of the symptoms belonging to this group. 1 supplement these examples, which illustrate the vicarious assumption by various parts ofthebodyof the male genital r6Ie, by adding that objects which do not belong to the body can also be made use of for the same purpose, pro- vided their form and use permits in any way a genital-symbolical utilisation. We may call to mind the tendency of neurotic women to use a syringe and to give themselves or relatives enemas.

There are numerous points of contact here with the normal expressions of the female castration complex, especially with typical female symptomatic acts. For example, thrusting the end of an umbrella into the ground may be mentioned; the great enjoyment many women obtain from using a hose for watering the garden is also characteristic, for here the unconscious experiences the ideal fulfilment of a childish wish.

Other women are less able or less inclined to find a sub- stitute-gratification of the masculinity wishes in neurotic surrogates. Their symptoms give expression to a completely different attitude. They represent the male organ as something of secondary impor- tance and unnecessary. Here belong all the symptoms and phan- tasies of immaculate conception. It is as though these women want to proclaim through their neurosis: 'I can also do it alone\ One of my patients experienced such a conception while in a dream- like, hazy state of consciousness. She had had a dream once before in which she held a box with a crucifix in her hands; the identification with Mary is here quite clear. I constantly found the anal character traits particularly pronounced in neurotic women who showed these phenomena. In the idea, 'to be able to do it alone', is expressed a high degree of obstinacy which is also pro- minent in these patients. They wish, for example, to find every- thing in the psycho-analysis alone, without the help of the physi- cian. They are as a rule women who through obstinacy, envy and self-overestimation destroy all relationships in their environ- ment, even their whole life.