Page:The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis II 1921 1.djvu/130

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assumption ot telepathy would thus fall through'. On the other hand one might well come to closer qrips with the problem of why many tolepatliic and prophetic dreams concern themselves with death.* The adherence to the view that dreams have a prophetic character shows how deeply anchored are superstition and folk- belief in the unconscious, and Jiow strong the tendencies are to regard the consciously intelligible dream content as the only one bringing happiness or wish-fulfilment.

' In one example erroneously described as a "veridical dream" (59) there was clearly present an unconscious knawhdi^e.

' Sec the case of clairvoyance analysed by llitschmann, "Zur Kritik dcs Hellsehens", Wr. klin. Rundscliau, 1910, Nr. 6.