by AUGUST STARCKE, den Dolder, Holland.
The application of psycho-analysis to the psychoses has not led
to an effective therapy like its use in the transference neuroses
and more recently the war neuroses. The pathological explanation
of the psychoses, however, has undergone radical alterations through
Freud's concepts, just as was the case with chemistry as a result
of Dalton's and Lavoisier's work. The aim of any discussion of the
issues relative to this subject must be to ascertain the reasons why
^■. the outcome of this new psychopathology has been a new
I therapy for the 'neuroses', and not one for the 'mental diseases',
!'■ . and also to suggest possible improvements. In this paper we shall
be concerned with these improvements only in so far as they
relate to the investigator and his methods.
Psychiatrist and analyst are dissimilar in their nature, their subject of investigation, their hopes and their methods. Both have the same mass of symptoms for their material, but the difference lies in their conception of it.
As contrasted with the analyst, the psychiatrist suffers from certain definite psychic scotomata. The subject of his investigation is the conscious, the brain as its hypothetical correlate, and the body in general.
The analyst is characterised by the removal of the scotomata, so far as we recognise them. His sphere of investigation is extended to the unconscious; he puts the libido and the ego impulses as hj'pothetical correlates behind the phenomena.
The primary medical aim — to establish the diagnosis — has a different significance in psychiatry from that which it has elsewhere. It is usual in medicine to allocate the case, according to its dia-
1 Translated by Douglas Bryan.