Page:The Irish Constitution Explained.djvu/81

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King’s Assent, the Representative of the Crown signifies by speech or message to each of the Houses of the Parliament/Oireachtas, or by proclamation, that it has received the Assent of the King in Council.

An entry of every such speech, message or proclamation shall be made in the Journal of each House and a duplicate thereof duly attested shall be delivered to the proper officer to be kept among the Records of the Irish Free State/Saorstat Eireann.

Article 41.

As soon as may be after any law has received the King’s assent, the clerk, or such officer as the Chamber may appoint for the purpose, shall cause two fair copies of such law to be made, one being in the Irish language and the other in the English language (one of which copies shall be signed by the Representative of the Crown to be enrolled for record in the office of such officer of the Supreme Court as the Chamber/Dail Eireann may determine) and such copies shall be conclusive evidence as to the provisions of every such law, and in case of conflict between the two copies so deposited, that signed by the Representative of the Crown shall prevail.

Article 42.

The Parliament/Oireachtas shall have no power to declare acts to be infringements of the law which not so at the date of their commission.

Article 43.

The Parliament/Oireachtas may create subordinate legislatures, but if shall not confer thereon any