Page:The Irish Constitution Explained.djvu/84

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tions governing the Referendum; and (3) that if the Parliament/ Oireachtas enacts a proposal so initiated, such enactment; shall be subject to the provisions respecting ordinary legislation or amendments of the Constitution as the case may be.

Article 48.

Save in the case of actual invasion, the Irish Free State/Saorstat Eireann shall not be committed to active participation in any war without the assent of the Parliament/Oireachtas.

Article 49.

Amendments of this Constitution within the terms of the Scheduled Treaty may be made by the Parliament/Oireachtas but every such amendment must be submitted to a Referendum of the people and shall not be passed unless a majority of the voters on the register record their votes and either a majority of the voters on the register or two-thirds of the votes recorded are in favour of the amendment.


A.—Executive Council/Aireacht.

Article 50.

The Executive Authority of the Irish Free State/Saorstat Eireann is hereby declared to be vested in the King, and shall be exercisable, in accordance with the law, practice and constitutional usage governing the exercise of the executive authority in the case of the Dominion of Canada, by the Representative of the Crown. There shall be a Council to aid and advise in the government of the Irish Free State/