Page:The Irish Constitution Explained.djvu/89

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B.—Financial Control.

Article 60.

All revenues of the Irish Free State/Saorstat Eireann from whatever source arising, shall, subject to such exception as may be provided by law, form one fund, and shall Be appropriated for the purposes of the Irish Free State/Saorstat Eireann in the manner and subject to the charges and liabilities imposed by law.

Article 61.

The Chamber/Dail Eireann shall appoint a Comptroller and Auditor-General to act on behalf of the Irish Free State/Saorstat Eireann. He shall control all disbursements and shall audit all accounts of moneys administered by or under the authority of the Parliament/Oireachtas and shall report to the Chamber/Dail at stated periods to be determined by law.

Article 62.

The Comptroller and Auditor-General shall not be removed except for stated misbehaviour or incapacity on resolutions passed by the Chamber/Dail Eireann and the Senate/Seanad Eireann. Subject to this provision the terms and conditions of his tenure of office shall be fixed by law. He shall not be a member of the Parliament/Oireachtas nor shall he hold any other office or position of emolument.