Page:The Irish Constitution Explained.djvu/94

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Article 74.

If any judge of the said Supreme Court of Judicature or of any of the said County Courts resigns as aforesaid, or if any such judge, on the establishment of Courts under this Constitution, is not with his consent appointed to be a judge of any such Court, he shall, for the purpose of Article 10 of the Scheduled Treaty, be treated as if he had retired in consequence, of the change of Government effected in pursuance of the said Treaty, but the rights so conferred shall be without prejudice to any rights or claims that he may have against the British Government.

Article 75.

Every existing Officer of the Provisional Government who has been transferred to that Government from the British Government and every existing Officer of the British Government, who, at the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution, is engaged or employed in the administration of public services which on that date become public services of the Irish Free State/Saorstat Eireann (except those whose services have been lent by the British Government to the Provisional Government) shall on that date be transferred to and become an Officer of the Irish Free State/Saorstat Eireann and shall hold office by a tenure corresponding to his previous tenure, and shall be entitled to the benefit of Article 10 of the Scheduled Treaty.

Article 76.

As respects departmental property, assets, rights, and liabilities, the Government of the Irish Free State/Saorstat Eireann shall be regarded as the suc-