Page:The Irish Constitution Explained.djvu/96

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(b) The twenty-eight nominated members of the Senate/Seanad shall be nominated by the President of the Executive Council who shall) in making such nominations, have special regard to the providing of representation for groups or parties not then adequately represented in the Chamber/Dail.

(c) The twenty-eight elected members of the Senate/Seanad shall be elected by the Chamber/Dail Eireann voting on principles of Proportional Representation.

(d) Of the University members one member elected by each University, to be elected by lot, shall hold office for six years, the remaining University members shall hold office for the full period of twelve years.

(e) Of the twenty-eight nominated members, fourteen, to be selected by lot, shall hold office for the full period of twelve years, the remaining fourteen shall hold office for the period of six years.

(f) Of the twenty-eight elected members the first fourteen elected shall hold office for the period of nine years, the remaining fourteen shall hold office for the period of three years.

(g) At the termination of the period of office of any such members, members shall be elected in their place in manner provided by Article 31.