Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/116

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106 Journal of Philology. various readings, as text-books for his lectures. "This," (to borrow the language of Sir William Hamilton, speaking of the progress of Hegelianism) " may be good or it may be bad ; the doctrine is good to controvert ; it is bad to believe." We only wish that Meineke, instead of lecturing on Hermann, would tell us what he himself thinks about the text of iEschylus, as a correction of his own which he has accidentally printed on Persce 1051 (Dind.), pcKaiva bva ptpi^rai for pekaiva 8' av pepl^trai, pro- mises well for those which may have to follow. Ritschl has gone so far as to publish the Septem contra Tliebas with a similar object, with Hermann's readings in the text and jEschylus' varia- tions noted below, and this after a preface containing a new and most elaborate collation of the Med. MS. of that play. The book before us is of a different stamp from those last mentioned, bearing indeed some traces of Hermann's influence, but scarcely more than Mr Paley's second edition of the play, which appeared in 1852. We were not prepared to expect much from Hartung in this field, and he has not disappointed us. His work on the Particles, though not faultless, has, we know, gained the approbation of competent scholars : but his edition of the Jphigenia in Aulide and his Euripides Eestitutus show him to be a writer whose taste and judgment cannot be relied on in criticising the text of ancient authors. The present work, we are afraid, must be pronounced less successful than either ; the alterations being more arbitrary and presumptuous in proportion to the greater sacredness of the original. Our readers will see that we are not exaggerating, if they will peruse the list that follows. ekmCov Ktap, V. 10, is changed to akKKppov Keapl evr av 8 wkti- irXaytcrov, V. 11, to aXrjv be WKriirkayKTov '. epfjv, <p6(3os yap, V. 13, to del (poftos yap: ayri naiboiv vrraroi AfxeW, V. 48, to Skyeai Xexewl "Apr}s 8' ovk evt x<opq y V. 76, to "Apri 8' ovk (vix<ptil dboXoiat naprjyopiait, V. 92, to ayavoiat 7raprjyopiais '. X'ao-', V. 94, to eais I kttjvtj npoade ra, V. 122, to kttjvtj irpoabora: rrporxmiv aropiov OTparaide'v oucy yap, V. 125, to nporvirev ropiov a-rpara Bevtlv na yap : npv &v, V. 153, to ireXeivl <rTa((i 8' ev ff, V. 159, to ecrTOKtv 8': ovprrveatv, V. 165, to o-vpneo-dv: opya (or aiba) irtptopym, V. 190, to akKTrjptov opyat '. ($or)v apiKTov, V. 290, to fiorjpa piKTov : aniipavrov (Sort KairapKelv, V. 345, to arnjpov r6aov Jot* dnapKetv I irpofiovXdnais, V. 351, to irpofiovXov wais I top 8' (iriorpo(f)ov Tcjvbe, V. 360, to ratvbe Trtpiarptxpov be : dial yvvaiuSs, v. 404, to x<*P lv yvvaiKos: ixfy a & 2x 0VTai (xpv^ev, v. 411, to e'xfya be