Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/125

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Reviews. 115 which were also discovered in Egypt : though it is probably more recent than the former. We shall perhaps therefore be not far wrong in assigning to it, as Sauppe has done, a date not later than the middle of the second century before the Christian sera*. If this be true, it is nearly the oldest extant MS. of any classical Greek author ; and unless we find special grounds for modifying our opinion, we must consider it the most faithful representation of the original text. Now if we were concerned with the uncor- rected MS., this supposition must be at once abandoned on exa- mination, for it is replete with errors. But there has been a careful revision of it, and it is this emended text alone which we have to consider. Yet there still remain even here several errors of a certain class, and it is important to examine how far these are such as to invalidate its general accuracy. The errors which have escaped the hand of the corrector may be classed under the following heads. (1) Errors of orthography, in most cases probably to be refer- red to the corrupt dialect spoken by the scribe. (Cf. acpaXaro in the Harrisian MS., Fr. 11, which however is corrected into acpeikero). These are chiefly : (a) The insertion of i after vowels, as en-en-at (col. 7, L 14), aiCrjviea (col. 38, 1. 26), 8rji[ia>i (col. 47, L 20), especially where it serves as an t subscript. (/3) The omission of i, as perhaps nepuov for nepuav (col. 2, 1. 12), 7rKiav (col. 11, 1. 21), but most frequently in cases where it is usually subscript, as eio-ayyeAia, dative (col. 4, 1. 10). (y) Substitution of et for long t, e.g. peio-eis (col. 32, 1. 20), vcptiva (col. 38, 1. 20). (8) Conversely of t for et, as diomdr) (col. 39, 1. 4), KaTaknreTcu (col. 41, 1. 22). (e) The last letters of prepositions aw, ei>, e< in composition wrongly written, as o-vvXegeiv (col. 31, 1. 21), evKXijpa (col. 13, 1. 9), eySc8opevr)V (col. 11, 1. 11). () The indiscriminate use of the v tyeXicvoTiKov. For other possible errors of this class see col. 38, 1. 24, Kade- ora/ca; col. 36, 1. 29, poXoaaia ; Col. 48, 1. 18, Tip<oprj. Cf. Col. 25, 1. 9. Also Col. 44, 1. 18, r)pya&TO.

  • See Philologus, p. 6n (1848). that of the other editors. See Babing-

This opinion substantially agrees with ton, Kara A7)/xo<r6. p. xix. sqq. 82