Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/234

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224 Journal of Philology. in the second extract ; so that the meaning will be " against him in the counterfeit woman's robe, a deceitful spy of the Maenads in his own opinion, but really mad himself;" and "the godless, lawless, reckless one, Echion's earth-born son." J. W. Donaldson. Bury St Edmund's, 29 March, 1854. IV. Remarks on some of the Greek Tragic Fragments. In the course of the following remarks, I have taken occasion to correct a few oversights in my Epistle to Dr Gaisford, pub- lished in 1852. The references throughout are not to Dindorf, but to Wagner's recently completed edition. jEsch. Cabiri. fr. 5 (94); Xcfaur, Blomfield's, or rather Heath's correction of Xindv (for which I had suggested Xeipeiv) is probably right, as the sense of the passage seems to be, that the Cabiri are going to drink till no sort of liquor is left. Wagner properly refers to the preced- ing fragment, preserved by Plut. Quaest. Conviv. 2. 1. 7. p. 632 p. ei tis avriorpcylras alnaTO tovs AlaxvXov Kaftclpovs " Sovs (rrravi((iv 8opa " 7roir)<Tavras, <2<nrep avrol 7ratovT(s i}nt.r)<rav. jEsch. Niobe. fr. 5 (154). (7nppo6(7 for opex^' i s a conjecture of Gorlitz : vide Lidd. and Sc. s. v. The imitation of Aristias, inc. fab. fr. 1 (6), pvKaiai V wpe'x&t to aivov iredov, first pointed out by Toup, seems to shew that some other correction is required. Probably in jEschylus we ought to read rrav optx^lrai nibov, with Ahrens, in Aristias topexOtlro ouuov iribov. iEsch. Ostologi (Ossilegi). fr. 1 (171). <tkoit6s for K&rrapos, though not mentioned by Dindorf, is a correction of Dobree's, Adv. n. p. 351, printed among his notes, not on iEschylus, but on Athenseus. Hermann's objection to the metre of the line so corrected may be met by Supp. 516, dXX' ovti bapbv xpoyov (pr]pa>o-(i TraTrjp, which, as usual, he chooses to alter.