Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/239

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Remarks on some of the Greek Tragic Fragments. 229 for by supposing a copyist to have remembered iEsch. Prom. 103, rrfv 7rTrpa>fj.i/T)v fie XPV Ai<raj> cpepcLV <as paara. Soph. Laocoon. fr. 5 (352). (TV[X7ra^eTdi Se nXtjOos, oi>x ocrov Soxety, oi Tr}arb' epacri rrjs drroiKias, &pvyeot>. The best MS. of Dionysius is said to have o-vpird&rai, which supports Tyrwhitt's o-woirdCerat. Possibly avpTTa&rai may be right, though not found elsewhere, as equivalent to o7raerat, where the initial 6 has been already supposed by some (see Lidd. and Scott) to be a&pouTTiKov. seems to be another compound of the same verb. Soph. Mamie fr. 6 (371). ovtoi 7roff rfei rav a.Kpa>v avev irovov. There seems no occasion for any change, except perhaps of rj^ei into rjgeis. rJKco can take a genitive of the point arrived at, like c<piKveofiai, irpoo-iKveop.a.1, as appears from Hdt. vn. 157, quoted by Lidd. and Scott. So possibly iEsch. Supp. 475, 8ia pay?* ^o> reXovs. Soph. Nauplius. fr. 2 (401). ovros 8' (pevpe ret^os pyciu>v crrpara, arddpr) 8* Kai p-erpcov evpijpara, raeis be ravras ovpdvid re o~r)p.aTa t KaKeiv eWve irpatros ivos 5e/ca, Ka< Twvbe Kavdis evpe irtvrrjKovrdhas os g/Xt* evdvs' os orparco (ppvurcopiav edeie KaveCprjvev ov 8e8eiypeva. <pvpe ' ao~Tpa>v p.erpa Kai nepiOTpocpas, vttvov (pvXd^eis crriQoa o-qp-avT-qpia vea>v re noipavTrjpo-iv ivBaXacrcriois, ApKTov cnpofpds re Kai Kvvos tyvxpav vo~iv. Rett's kok tSv SeV av$is, v. 5, is certainly true, and Heath's es XtXi'- oZtos els, v. 6, not improbable ; in other respects not much has been done for the verses by the critics whose corrections Wagner records. V. 3 is apparently out of its place, but that place does not seem to have been after v. 8, as rdgeis coupled with ravras evidently refers to the divisions of the army, an inven- tion attributed to Palamedes by iEsch. Palam. fr. 1 (173). The simplest course would be to reverse the order of vv. 2, 3 : but it seems better to place v. 3 after v. 6, so as to gain a substantive agreeing with defteiypeva, the sense plainly being ' he made them