Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/402

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392 Journal of Philoloyy. ravra yap, ubi TAYTAP i.e. tovt ap Xen.Symp.IV. 55: paXXov rj ovx, nbi -NAAAOYX i.e. ~v dX ov X Xen. Hell. III. 6, 15 : Tavrrji>, ubi 6TAYTHN i.e. (T avrfju Arist. Lys. 508: Kaireiff iJKOvff, ubi KAIT6ICA90Ne i.e. kot eia-fvff Arist. Vesp. 606. Huic eorum errori, quo inci- dissc sibi visi in elisionem vel crasin, ubi nullae erant, dc suo litteras in textu interposuerunt, hujusmodi debentur corruptioncs, ut eiKos ye apa cudvov, ubi fuit TAP i.e. ydp, sed quod arbitrati esse y ap sic plene scripserunt Theaet. 171 c, quemadmodum 8c ex b tVt ex <', tt6t ex tto& ', al. et to avrov ex ravrov, ra dXa ex rcTXXa al. facere solebant temere conantes explere et disjungere omnia, etiam ea, quae salvo sensu expleri vel disjungi non possunt, quo pertinere mihi videtur hoc quoque eorum audaciae et impuden- tiae monumentum wo noBav temere factum ex xmobav Prot. 31? 1 a, (C. Badham ad Phaedrum). Atque hue etiam pertinet illud (Crat. 439 a) re avrr)v effictum ex una voce TAYTHN i.e. neque r' avrrjv neque y avrrv, sed Tavrrjv. R. B. Hirschig. Lugduni Bat. m. Febr. 1854. V. On a late use of the particles hinc, inde, #c. It would perhaps be hard to name an age, which offers to the philologer a richer harvest of new results than the last centuries of the Western Roman Empire. Neglected as the latinity of St Augustine (for example) has been, his pages teem with words and constructions which have since been naturalized in the languages of Europe, and have enabled them to express many subtle distinctions of thought, which we are apt to look upon rather as a legacy of the scho- lastic logic. Hereafter these assertions may be supported by a larger induction ; at present I confine myself to a single class of parti- cles, the peculiar use of which seems to have escaped the notice as well of writers on the particles, as of lexicographers*, and

  • The general lexicons, Faber, M:u- works of Laurcnbergius, No]t<

tinius, Vossius, Gesner, Facciolati, Funccius, Hand ; all the- . Scheller, (the best for the fathers, and whii-h I have consulted, hare omitted especially for St Augustine), Frcnnd : this usage, ;i s they have many others. Du Cange (who can spare no room for Nor do the indexes to (lie fathers and grammatical niceties) ; the moir special poets give any help.