Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/409

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399 Anecdota. Marginalia on Eusebius and Photius, by Bishop Pearson. (Continued from p. 102.) The remainder of Pearson's notes on Eusebius together with those on Photius are now given. It will be noticed that the Bishop's pen has been unusually busy in both treatises against Marcellus, their doctrinal character having obviously attracted his special attention. Indeed the real amount of notes is here but imperfectly represented ; for in this Number I have omitted whatever seemed to have lost all interest either personal or philo- logical. Some persons, as it is, would probably desire a still more sweeping exclusion : but much that now appears trivial to an ordinary reader, who does not consult the original texts, may have its value for future editors ; and moreover I have preferred to err on the safe side. A good deal of the writing in the margin of Photius has reference to scarcely credible blunders in Schott's translation : this is almost entirely omitted, as no one in his senses could now for a moment follow that "pessimus interpres" (Vinci. Ign. i. 10). It should be mentioned once for all, that the notes were evidently made at different times : but I have found it impossible to fix their relative dates with any certainty, except where some early remark has subsequently received alterations or additions. In endeavouring to trace the history of these volumes (see p. 98), I strangely overlooked the following note in that con- taining Justin Martyr &c. : " Bought out of Mr Aliens Library who was Chaplain to Bp. Pearson and had his choice of the MS. books when he died, one of which this was and all the notes in the margin of it are Bp. Pearsons." F. J. A. Hort. Eusebius Contra Marcellum Ancyranum. Ed. Paris. 1628. Pearsoni annotationes. 18 C. Tvxbvras ev[rvxbvTai 19 A. eKKK-qaias, irpea^eti;} d diairpeirws rectius Valesius ad Eus. p. 190 [H. E. 7-775 Tvploov iTria-KOTrevcravTa X. 1. qui legit inK. TrpeafSeiqj, 8iair. avr$ 8e t. Tvp. eir. avrov : Gaisf. iKK. Trpeff/3., diair. r in. t. Tvp. avrov e cod. Yen.~ De Dionysio Eus. Hist. p. 254. A. [H. E. vii. 7.]