Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/166

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Dalbergia latifolia Boxb. Cor. PI. II, 7, t. 113. Loc. : Rar Kaur, 165 miles S. by W. of Kalat, about 3,500 ft. (no. 294.) Vem. Names : Jak (Bal.), Jag (Br.Bal.).


Sophora Griffith! Stocks in Hook. Journ. IV {1852) 147. Loc. : Hills about 35 miles SW. of Panjgur, about 2,800 ft. (no. M 130) ; hills S. of Chambar (Kolwa), 26° 9' N., 64° 42' E. about 2,160 ft. (no. M 255) ; Pusht Kuh, about 26° 57' N., 65° 12' E. about 3,500 ft. (no. M 130 B). Teghab., 107 miles S. of Kalat, 4,150 ft. (no. 16A) ; Harboi, 18 miles ESE of Kalat, 9,000 ft' (no. 16) : sandy ground and the edges of dry sandy river beds at Siahen Camb, about 36 miles E. by S. of Panjgur, about 3,800 ft. (no. M130C). Fl. in March 1918, Aug. 1917.— Fr. in April 1918. Vem. Names : Shampashtir (Br., Bal.), Shampashtig (Kechi Aal.), Shampachir (Panjguri Bal.), Shamkastir.

Sophora alopecuroides L. Sp. PI. 373. Loc. : Kalat, between 6,350—7,000 ft. (no. 92, M 39 A). Fl. and fr. in July 1918. Uses : Used as a green manure for melons, being buried under the young plants. Vem. Name : Basunduk (Br.).

Parkinsonia L. Parkinsonia aculeata L. Loc. : Gajar, 165 miles SSW of Kalat, 3,450 ft. (no. 233), growing in a garden. Vem. Name : Vilayati Babar (Bal.),

Cassia L.

Cassia obovata Goliad. Mori. 92. Loc": Pirandar, about 205 miles SSW of Kalat, about 1,900 ft. Fl. and fr. in Sept. 1917.

Prosopis L.

Prosopis spicigera B. Mant. 68. Loc. : Near Bazdad, 25 miles E. of Chambar, Kolwa, about 1,850 ft. (no. M 279) ; below Bhani, 131 miles SSW of Kalat, about 3,800 ft. (no. 209). Very common. Vem. Names: Kahur (Bal.), Mar (Br.), Kandi (Sind), Kikar (Urdu).

Acacia Willd.

Acacia arabica Willd. Sp. PI. IV {1805) 1085. Loc. : Andrabedi river, about 42 miles N. of Las Bela, about 3,500 ft. Vem. Names : Chidirg (Bal. Br.), Chidrik (Br.), Hari Babar (Sind.)

Acacia Jacquemontii Benth. in Hook. Bond. Journ. I {1842) 499. Loc. : Nasirabad, 23 miles W. of Turbat, about 400 ft. (no. M 57). Fl. in March 1918. Vem. Name : Chigird Chidirg (Bal.).

Acacia Senegal Willd. Sp. PL IV {1805) 1077. Loc. : Near Kanoji, 47 miles N. of Las Bela, about 3,200 ft. (no. 377). Vem. Name : Khor (Br.).

Albizzia Durazz.

Albizzia Lebbek Benth. in Hook. Bond. Journ. Bot. Ill {1844) 87. Loc. : Basunkani springs, about 38 miles N. of Las Bela, about 2,900 ft. (no. 394). This tree becomes common as one goes S. from here. Many trees at Las Bela. Vem. Name : Siri (Br.).