Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/168

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September and October, 1917. Vern. Names : Chibit (Br.), Chibid (Sindhi), Wal (Bal. Br.), Girat Wal (Br.).

Cucumis prophetarum L. Cent. Amoen. Acad. IV (1759) 295- Loc. : Pirumar, 16 miles S of Khozdar, about 4,100 ft. (no. 364). Fr. in September, 1917. Uses : The fruit is said to cause instant vomiting, and to be used medicinally for that purpose. Vern. Name : Het Chibit.

Citrullus Neck.

Citrullus colocynthis Schrad. in Linnaea XII [1838) 414.

Loc. : Near Manguli, 197 miles SS W of Kalat, about 2,450 ft. (no. 243) ; Teghab, 107 miles S of Kalat, 4,150 ft. (no. 186) ; Chhuttok, 90 miles S of Kalat, 4,500 ft. (no. 173) ; Kek. Chah, 11 miles E of Chambar (Kolvva, about 1,800 ft. (no. M 267). PI. in August and September, 19 L7— Pr. in August, 1917.

Vern. Names : Hinjiri (Bal.), Kiringli (Br.), Kulkushtag (Bal.) ; Tarbuzah-abu-Jir Hagara, Persian, Gunj (Kechi Bal.). COCCINIA W. & A.

Coccinia indica W. and A. Prodr. (1834) 347. - Loc. : Korak (Pelar), 180 miles S by W of Kalat, 1,900 ft. (no. 275) ; Audrabedi river, 42 miles N of Las Bela, Diria Gadha 35 miles N of Las Bela, 3,500—2,500 ft. (no. 393). PI. and fr. in September, 1917. Vern. Name : Wal. (Bal., Br.).

Melothria L.

Melothria maderaspatana Cogn. in DC Monogr. Phan. Ill (1881) 623. Loc. : Pirandar, 205 miles SSW of Kalat, about 1,900 ft. (no. 258). Vern. Name : Wal (Bal., Br.).

CORALLOCARPUS Weill). Corallocarpus epigaeus C.B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. hid. II, 628. Loc. : Der river, 38 miles N of Las Bela (no. 393 F). Fr. in October, 1917. Vern. Name : Wal (Bal., Br.).


Trianthema L.

Trianthema monogyna L. Mant. 69 Loc. ; Rek Chah, 11 miles E of Chambar, Kolwa, about 1,800 ft. (no. M 270) ; Goshamag, about 16 miles E of Chambar, Kolwa, about 1,850 ft. (no. M272) ; Jebri, 137 miles SSW of Kalat, 3,775 ft. (no. 117A). Fl. and fr. in April, 1918, August, 1917. Vern. Names : Lipchanko, Uwalu (Bal.), Surinchk (Br.).

Trianthema pentandra L. Mant. 79. Loco. : Tharrav, about 32 miles S of Wad, about 3,800 ft. (no. 382) ; Kurak (Pelar), 180 miles S by W of Kalat, 1,900 ft. (no. 278) ; Zid, 15 miles ESE of Khozdak. about 3,600 ft. (no. 354). Fl. and fr. in September and October 1917. Vern. Name ; Khisun Vel (Br.).

ORYGIA Forsk. Orygia decumbens Forsk. Fl. Aegypt.- Arab. 103. Loc: Kanoji, 47 miles N of Las Bela, about 3,900 ft. (no. 384). Fl. and fr. in. October, 1917.

(To be continued)