Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/17

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Explanation of the Figures.

1. Branch of Acalypha indica L. X *.

2. Single inflorescence, showing side of the terminal flower with the much-branched style is on the right, x 8.

3. Terminal flower, viewed from the rear or face opposite style, x 8.

4. Mature terminal fruit, viewed from the front or style face, x 8.

5. Longitudinal section of an almost mature terminal fruit, showing the ear-like outgrowths, x 20.

6. Young staminate cyme. C. sepal, s, stamen of terminal flower. 1, lateral flower, x 50.

7. 8, 9, 10. Successive stages in development of a terminal flower, x 50.

11. Stage corresponding to 9 enlargod. o. c. outer coat, i. c, inner coat, o, obturator, b. beak, c. embryo sac. X 220.

12, 13. Successive stages in development of a carpel of the lateral flower. 12 x 220, 13 X 50.

14, 15, 16. Side, front, and rear view of seed from a lateral flower. X 8.

17, 18, 19. Side, front, and rear view of seed from a terminal flower, x 8.

20. Double terminal flower. X 8.

21. Similar flower in a lateral position, an ordinary lateral flower above it. x 8.

Literature Cited.

1. Baillon, E. H., Etude general du group des Euphorbiacees. Paris, 1858.

2. Lyon, Florence, Contribution to the life history of Euphorbia corollata. Bot. Gaz. 25 : 418-426. 1898.

3. Schweiger, J., Beitrage zur Kenntis der Samenentwiklung der Euphorbiaceen. Flora 94 : 339-382. 1905.

4. Weniger, Wanda, Development of embryo sac and embryo in Euphorbia Prcslii and Euphorbia splcndcns. Bot. Gaz. 63 : 266-279. 1917.