Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/190

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Marchantia ncpalansis.

M. palmata.

Aneura Levieri. Chainba-Chuari road.

P cilia calycina. Common in moist places.

Met zg aria pubascans. Chamba-Pangi road, about 10,000 ft.

Calycularia crispatula. Dalhousie-Khajiar road.

Fossombronia himalayansis. Chamba-Pangi road.

Anthoccros sp. Along the Ravi above Chamba.

Madoiheca sp. Pangi road.

Badula sp. Dalhousie-Khajiar road ; Chamba-Pangi road.

Galypogcia sp.

Chiloscyphus gollani St. Pangi road.

C. argutus, Nces.

Nardia sp. Pangi road.

Plagiochila sp.

Arachniopsis sp. Pangie road, about 11,000 ft.

Lcjaunia sp. Pangi road.

Frullania sp.

The number of individuals is very small and specimens are found only at long intervals. Pallia, Damortiara, and Pcgatalla are pretty common in or near running water. Wiasiiarclla has beeQ found in one or two places.

Chandrabhaga valley. (8,000—13,000 ft.)

Biccia himalayansis. Near Salgraon, Chamba-Lahoul.

B. sp. Along with the above.

B. robusta. Above Kyelang, about 11,000 ft. Very curious distribution as it occurs in Lahore also at 700 ft.

Grimaldia indica. Above Kyelang, about J 1,000 ft. Also occurs at Lahore, etc.

Athalamia dioica. Near Saor, Pangi.

Mindal Pangicnsis. Along with the above.

Bcboulia hemisphar ica. Above Kyelang, about 11,000 ft. Very common in the Himalayas.

Fagatalla conica. Near Kilar bridge, Pangi, and elsewhere.

Prcissia commutata. Along with the above, and elsewhere.

Dumortiera ■valutina. At the above place and common elsewhere, also in moist places.

Marchantia polymorpha. Common in moist places.

Pallia calycina. Common in moist places.

Pallia epiphylla ? Near Shaichu, Pangi.

Aneura Levieri. Near Shaichu, Pangi.

Anthoccros sp. Near Sissoo, British Lahoul, about 10,000 ft.