Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/194

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Maltosed sabouraud—Very weak development; colours idem.

Endo's medium—Idem as on glucosed sabouraud.

Lemon—48 hours, weak development, clear blue; 3 days, greyish blue; I week, deep blue with a greyish tone; 2 to 3 weeks, idem.

Bread paste—48 hours, weak development, blue greyish green; 1 week, idem; 4 days, clear green; 2 to 3 weeks, dirty green.

Banana—3 days blue outremer. good development, 5 days, idem; 2 to 3 weeks idem with a greenish tone.

Rice; paste—1 week, poor development, of white slightly green colour; 2 to 3 weeks, good development of the same colour.

Carrot—3 days, good development, yellowish green; 5 days, idem; 2 to 3 weeks, green with yellowish tone.

Potato—3 days s good development, white slightly green; 1 week, green straw colour; 2 to 3 weeks, dark green.

Glycerinated potato—10 days, poor development, white colonies; 2 weeks, idem; 3 weeks slightly blue greyish; 1 month, deep grey.

Coagulated milk—The culture is blue slightly greenish, the greenish tone becoming predominant after 2 to 3 weeks.

Pineapple juice—48 hours, clear blue, isolated colonies fluctuating on the surface of the liquid; 3 days, idem, the colour being the same but with a slight greyish tone; 5 days, the colonies become confluent and form a very consistent membrane; 1 week, the same colour, the bluish tone becoming more pronounced; 10 days, greyish blue, 2 to 3 weeks, greyish to gris souris and the bluish tone changing into the greenish.

Mango juice—The colour of the culture is the same as in the pine, apple juiue, but the culture shows the form of a ring, strongly adhering to the wall of the tube.

Bouillon—48 hours, minute isolated colonies of white bluish colour, becoming greyish blue after 1 week and finally dark grey.

Glucosed bouillon—Idem, the colonies being more abundant and confluent and forming a membrane on the surface of the liquid.

Maltosed bouillon—48 hours, greyish blue membrane; 4 days, idem, the vegetative mycelium (inferior face) having the appearance of a gelatinous mass and a brownish yellow colour; 4 days, the grey tone becomes more pronounced; 3 weeks, dark grey with greenish tone.

Straw bouillon—idem without the final greenish tone.

Bouillon of vegetables—Idem, the mass of the vegetative mycelium has the same gelatinous appearance as in the maltosed bouillon.

Inoculations—One rabbit and one guinea-pig inoculated by intravenous injection remained healthy till the end of the experiment.

On account of the variations of the colour in the cultures of this