Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/202

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stylus abbreviatus, stigmate simplice oblongo. Semina 1-6 (vel plura?), lateraliter compressa vel in sectione transversa cuneiformia.

Arbores, arbuscula, vel frutices humiliores, per regiones Asiae australes, et Indo-Sinenses, usque ad Australian subtropicam dispersae. Species circa 21.

It is usual to ascribe the foundation of Miliusa to the discoverer of the type species, but it does not appear that he laid claim to anything beyond the dedication, and the descriptions throughout are evidently the work of De Candolle. The present description is necessarily tentative and is put forward partly as a contribution towards a much needed revision of the family, or at least of that group to which Miliusa naturally belongs. Much better material, in the fruiting stages particularly, must have accumulated since the account in Genera Plantar um was published.

The writer will be grateful for any specimens of Miliusa, Saccopetaluir, or Phfeanthus that can be spared on loan or otherwise for study at Kew in order to complete a key to the species which it is proposed to include under Miliusa.