Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/253

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III S. euphrasiodes:—The writer was for a long time unable to find this species in any grassland round Poona, although one specimen in the Poona herbarium had been collected at Pashan, a near-by village. At length a very few specimens were found in the area of waste land near the College of Agriculture in a piece of that land adjoining an irrigation distributory. At Chharodi in Gujarat this species was the common one, with occasional S. densiflora and no S. lutea, while at Tegur in the Dharwar District S. euphrasiodes was the only species found.

Van Buuren reported it on roots of grasses of the irrigation channel of the College Farm at Poona, and considered it more hygrophilous than the other species mentioned.

The diagnostic character of this species is the possession of 15 ribs, each main rib having on each side of it a secondary rib which runs right up to the tip of the calyx tooth.

Here again there is some variation in number, all the Chharodi specimens having 16 ribs, the additional rib being, as usual, anterior.

The writer came across one plant pink in the bud and also in the fully expanded corola. Van Buuren states: "At the approach of the dry season some plants which I had under observ-