Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/264

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From materials supplied by Col. J. E. B. Hotson, I.A.B.O.


E. Blatter, S.J., Prof. F. Hallberg and C. McCann.

St. Xavier's Coll., Bombay. (Continued from last issue)


ERYTHRvEA Bene aim.

Erythraea ramosisshna Pers. Syn. I, 283. — Loc. : Nagak (W. Kolwa), about 87 miles E. by N. of Turbat, about 2,400 ft. (no. M227, M227A).— Fl. and fr. in April 1918.—

Vem. Name: Puliko (?Bal.).



Cordia obliqua Wtlicl. Sp. PI. 1, 107.2— Loc: Manguli, 197 miles SSW of Kalat (no. 235) ; Nag (W. Kolwa), about 83 miles E, by N. of Turbat. about 2,300 ft. (no. M236). Fl. in April 1918.—

Vem. Names : Lewar (Bal.), Jam (Bal.), Livar (Br.).

Heliotropium L.

Heliotropium Eichwaldi Steud. ex DC. Prodr. IX (1845) 535.— Loc. : One mile NE of Panjgur (M231A) ; Turbat, 63° 4' E,25° 58' N, about 600 ft., growing wild in water channels in a garden (no. M54).— Fl. in Feb. and May 1918.— Fr. in May 1918.

Vem. Name : Kapocbisk (Bal.).

Heliotropium calcareum Stocks in Kew Journ. Bot. IV (1852) 174. — Loc. : Kuldan (W. Kolwa) about 85 miles E. by N. of Turbat, about 2,400 ft. (no, M 245) ; Zahren Kahur, 16 miles N. of Pasni, about 200 ft. (no. M21A) ; Rari Dan, 170 miles W. of Kalat, 2,300 ft. (no. 287) ; Paharmar, 25 miles S. of Wad about 3,650 ft. (no. 376) ; Hills near Ispikan, about 20 miles NE of Mand, about 1,200-1,500 ft. (no. M91) ; Mantar Juzhaf, about 40 miles S. of Panj- gur, about 3200 ft. (M204) ; near Kuldan (W. Kolwa), about 85 miles E. by N. of Turbat, about 2400 it. (no. M231) .— Fl. in Feb. (Br.), to April 1918, Oct. 1917.—

Vem. Names : Kapochisk, Nilo, Kodalo (Bal.), Mashna Popat Popat (Br.? Bal.).

Heliotropium paniculatum B. Br. Prodr. (1810) 424. — Loc. : Kanoji, 47 miles N. of Las Bela, about 3200 ft. (no. 385) ; Rari Dan, 170 miles S. by W. of Kalat, 2300 ft. (no. 282). Fl. and fr. in Sept. and Oct. 1917.—

Vem. Name : Nambo (Br.).