Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/300

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The structure of the stem and the petiole is of the usual type. The structure of the tendril however is dorsiventral throughout its entire length. At the base there are seven vasculer bundles which are reduced to five in the upper part. The traces of the tendril join the inner bundles of the stem just like the traces of the branched tendrils of other species. The middle leaf-trace passes straight down without anstomosing, while the lateral leaf-traces join the adjacent bundles of the outer ring of the stem.


The arrangment of the organs at the node is as in Benincasa. The tendinis are four-armed, the branches arising along a very com- pact spiral.

The structure of the stem, petiole and the base of the tendril is similar to that in Benincasa cerif era .

The main arm of the tendril, the one which is in continuation of the basal part, has a structure similar to that of the basal part. The other arms have a petiole-like type of structure, having a distinct groove along the ventral side and horse-shoe arrangement of bundles.

The vascular connections of the various organs with the stem bundles are similar to those of Benincasa cerifera.


The arrangement of the organs at the node is as follows a four- armed tendril, a bud, an inflorescence and a triangular leaf-like ap- pendage bearing several circular facets.

The structure of the stem, petiole, the base of the tendril and the tendril-arms is similar to that of the corresponding organs in Benin- Gasa cerifera* The vascular connections are also similar.


The disposition of the organs at the node is as usual. The glandular organ is a circular faceted structure. The tendrils are simple.

The stem and the petiole do not show any unusual feature In their structure.

The tendril is dorsiventral throughout its entire length as shown by the presence of the groove and the horse-shoe arrangement of the bundles.

The vascular connections of the tendril-traces and the leaf-traces are the same has described for Benincasa cerifera.


The disposition of the organs at the node and the internal struc- ture of the various organs is in general similar to that in the last species.