Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/304

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to Goebel (1) the simple tendrils are modified prophylls while a branched tendril represents a prophyll adherent to an axillary shoot. My thanks are due to Professor S. R. Kashyap for much sug- gestive criticism and other help in the preparation of this paper. The work was done under his supervision in the Government College Biological Laboratory before the writer joined the Islamia College, Peshawar.

References to Literature.

1. Goebel, K. Organography of Plants. Eug. Tran.

2. Muller, O. Engler and Prantl's Pflaazenfamilien.

3. Do Untersuchungen uber die Ranken der Cucurbitaceen. Cohn's Beitrage zur Biologie, v (1887).

4. Tondera, F. Das Gefasbundelsystem der Cucurbitaceen. Sitzungsb, K. Acad. Wiss. Wien, CX1I, Abt. 1, pp. 23-59.

Explanation of figures. (1-5, Benincasa cerifera; 6-7, Momor- dica echinata.) xylem is shaded throughout.

1. Disposition of organs at the node, a, leaf ; b, tendril ; c, vegeta- bud ; d, flower; e, glandular organ.

2. Transverse section of steam in .'outline.

3. Transverse section of petiole in outline.

4. Transverse section of the base of a tendril in outline.

5. Transverse section of an arm of a tendril.

6. T. S. of the vase of the tendril.

7. T. S. of an arm of a tendril