Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/394

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opinion be sufficiently explained by the suction naturally produced, by a developing organ, on the water and sap locally available, without the assumption of any special inhibitory action. Development of the marginal notches we found to be induced readily by an excess o-f water, which appeared to be the sole determining cause. Moreover, our observations entirely negatived Loeb's supposition of an inhibitory effect of root-pressure on this development.

Literature Cited

(1) Loeb ' Rules and mechanism of inhibition and co-relation in the regeneration of Bryophyllum calycinum.' Botanical Gazette, Vol. LJ, p. 249.

(2) Loeb ' Further experiments on co-relation of growth in Bryophyllum calycinum ' Botanical Gazette, Vol. LXII, p. 293.

(3) Loeb ' Influence of the leaf upon root-formation and geotropic curvature in the stem of Bryophyllum calycinum and the possibility of a hormone theory of these processes' Botanical Gazette, Vol. LX1II. p. 25.

(4) Loeb ' On the production of equal masses of shoot by equal masses of sister-leaves in Bryophyllum calycinum' Botanical Gazette, Vol. LXV, p. 150.

(5) Loeb ■ Healthy and sick specimens of Bryophyllum calycinum' Botanical Gazette, Vol. LXV1, p. 69.

(6) Braun ' Regeneration of Bryophyllum calyoinum ' Botanical Gazette, Vol. LXV, p. 191.

(7) Klebs Willkiirliche Entwicklungsanderungenbei Pflanzen. Jena 1903 (Quoted Josfs Plant physiology, Eng., Ed., p. 336.)

Description of Plates

Plate I

Figs. 1 — 7. Pieces of Bryophyllum calycinum hung by two threads.

Figs. 8 — 10. Pieces hung by three threads, the middle thread attached at about the centre of gravity. The positions of the threads, which being invisible against the white back- ground, has been indicated in the original photographs by hand. Apical or basal leaves left as shown. All others removed and terminal bud and first visible internode destroyed.

Fig. 11. Piece of Bryophyllum left on a board. One leaf was left, the others removed as above. The opposite axillary bud has developed but this has not inhibited the growth at the leaf notches. Note no bending.