Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/397

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Figs. 12 — 15 & 17, 18. Leaves of Bryophyllum- variously isolated and hung with lower part in water showing development at the marginal notches from the submerged parts.

Nos. 12 & 13. The opposite axillary bud allowed to develope.

No. 14. The opposite axillary bud removed.

No. 15. The stem cut in half longitudinally-

No. 16. Leaf hung dry, no;part submerged.

No. 17. No part of stem left attached to leaf.

No. 18. Opposite leaf left attached (but subsequently fell off).

Plate II

Figs. 19 — 24. Rooted plants of.Coleus bicolor placed horizontally. Photographed after *a few chays. One or both leaves near the apex or near the base left attached, all others and the terminal bud removed.

Nos. 25 & 26. No leaves left attached. A lateral bud has deve- loped near the base of No. 26.

Fig. 27. The method of hanging pieces by three threads, adopt- ed for Nos. 8, 9 & 10.