Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/461

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29. Calotropis procera Br.— Very common. The leaves are hairy and contain a milky juice.

30. Clerodendron Phlomoides, L.f— Not very common, leafless at the time.

31. Jatropha C ureas L— Not very common.

32. Flueggea leucopyros Dalz.— Occasional in hilly parts. A plant with thorny branches and very small leaves.

33. Agave vivipara Wight.— Occasional, planted. The prickly leaves are very thick and contain much sclerenchymatous tissue in addition to the thick cuticle, groups of sunken stomata and a lot of palisade and water storage tissue, the latter of which occupies the whole of the central portion.

Climbing Shrubs.

34. Vitis pallida W. & A.— Occasional in hilly parts. Leaf- less at the time.

35. Gymnema sylvestre Br.— Occasional. A very hairy twiner.

36. Cryptostegia grandiflora Br.— Occasional. The leaves are rather tough and contain a milky juice. They also seem to contain what looks like transverse bands of water storage tissue. This tissue surrounds the vascular portions. It is noteworthy however that the sponge tissue contains very large air spaces. There is a thick cuticle on the upper epidermis and no stonata present.

37. Rivea hypocrateriformis Chois.— Occasional. A very hairly twiner.


38. Cleome viscosa L. — Not Common.

39. Polygala erioptera DC— In fields not common.

40. Triumfetta rotundifolia Lewi.— Bather common on the borders of fields.

41. Tribulus terrestris L.— Bather common. A very hairy prostrate plant having a prickly fruit.

42. Indigofera cordifolia Heyne.— Bather common in poor soils.

43. Corchorus Antichorus Bacns.— Not common ; in poor soils.

44. Blumea Malcolmi H. /.—Not common, in waste places. A very hairy plant.

45. Vicoa auriculata Cass. — Not common ; in poor soils.