Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/509

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briaria mu&suriensis, Pellia calycina, Fossombronia himalayensis, a foliose form, and Anthoccros himalaycnsis. The Fimbriaria showed a peculiarity in that the plants possessed terminal carpocephala in addition to these formed on short ventral shoots.

These forms are more like those found in other parts of the outer Himalayas to the east but of course the number is still very small. Between Dharmtal and Udhampur:—Plagiochasma appcndiculalum P. artioulatum, Grimaldia indica, Riccia himalayensis.

The lists naturally are not exhaustive but they give a fairly accurate idea of the relative number of forms mot with in the different parts.

Literature Cited.

1. Evans, A. W., The American spices Marchantia. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. 21, pages 201—313, March, 1917.

2 Kashyap, 8. R., Distribution of Liverworts in the Western Himalayas, Jour. Ind. Botany, January, 1920.

3. Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen—Flora Von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz. Die Lebermoose Von Karl Muller. 1906—1911.

4. Stephani, F., Species hepaticarum.

5. Stuart, R. R., Flora of Ladak, Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 43. 1916-17.