Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/560

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In Sfcrobilanfcbis variaruni specierum radicibus parasitica, apud Gairsoppa Falls in Canara, sed solum in flurninis australi, id est My- sorensi, ripa observata, ad alt. circa 1500 ped. angl. et pluv. 150 — 200 digit, angl. Collegerunt Bell, Sedgwick, Hallberg et McCann, Nov. 1919. In herbario Sedg. et Bell. Cotypi in berbario Coll. Sanct. Xavieri, Bombay.

Apparently exceedingly close to C. aurantiaca Wt. Ic. 1486, wbicb was united with C. bicolor Gardner by Hooker in F. B. I. IV p. 322. The drawing in the Icones however shows a less elongate and less ele- gant type of flower. The calyx is broader and conceals more of the tube of the corolla. In the plant from Gairsoppa the calyx is much narrower, and the slender corolla tube is clearly exerted.

Phyllanthus Talboti L. J. Sedgwick, Sp. nova. Frutex erectus, ad 1 m altus, in rivorum tluminibus saxicola. Caulis saepius simplex, nigrescens, striatus. Rami crebri, ad 15 cm longi, exceptis tenellis glabri. Folia numerosissima, creberrima, disticha, patentia, sed in herbario secunda, a 3'5 X 1*5 mm ad 9 X 3'5 mm, oblonga, acuta, supra glabra, subtus glabra, glabrescentia, vel puberula. Stipulae a basi lata lineares, Flores masculi in omni axilla fasciculati ; pedicilli ad 3 mm longi. Calycis lobi 4, imbricati, late ovati, obtusi, dorso saepius minute sericei, marginlbus integris seariosisque. Discus 4- lobatus ; lobi magni, rotundati. Antherae 4, in summae columnae margine transverse dispositae. Flores feminei in axillis solitarii ; calycis lobi 6, imbricati, ovati, glabri, marginibus integris. Discus annularis. Ovarium stipitatum, 3-loculare, albis tubercellis subs- cabridum ; styli 3, altebifidi, reflesi. Cocci distinct!, dorso rotundati, supra producti et stylos excedentes, scabridi, sed deinde glabri, et ab axi separate decidui. Semina glabra, lutea. (See Fig. p. 129.)

In fluminibus Canarae in Provincia Bombaiensi, apud Supa, Sedg. et Bell 4869, Nov. 1918, et apud Jog (Gaisoppa) Talbot 828, A.D. 1883, Sedg. et Bell 7073, Nov. 1919. Utriusqe loci alt. circa 1500 ped. angl. ; pluv. circa 100-200 digit, angl.

This was passed over by Talbot as being P. Laioii Graham, the habitat being the same. But it differs from that species in habit, the plant being taller, and the branches much longer and less rigid. In the structure of the male flower it is, of course, quite different, P. Laioii having three erect acute anthers. It belongs to Hooker's Sec. Biedia.

Ceropegia fantastica L. J. Sedgwick, Sp. nova. Planta volubi- lis. Radix haud visa. Rami longi, tenues, perdistanter foliosi. Partes maturae glabrae ; ramuli tenelli, pedunculi et pedicilli capillis vacuis, pellucidis, multicellularibus vestiti. Fetioli 15 mm excedentes. Folia 10 cm excedentia, lanceolata, sensim caudato-acuminata, glabra vel glabrescentia, nervis perobliquis, conspicuis, irregularibus. Inflores-