Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/562

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In ariclo colle, sub fruticibus diffusa, apud Hubli, District Dhar- war, in regione Carnatica Provinciae Bombaiensis, ad alt. 2000 ped. angl., et pluv. 30 digit, angl., mense September, 1919 ; coll. ipse.

An inconspicuous plant with elegant flowers. Differs from the other Indian species in having the bifid corona lobes reduced to a broadly truncate top with minute horns or teeth at each end.

Canscora stricta L. J. Sedgioick, Sp. nova. Herba inconspicua, erecta, ad 15 cm. alta, stricta, cauli quadrangulari, simplice, supra medium ramos strictos, secundos gerente. Folia haud visa, in autumnali tempore mox decidua ; folia quae ramos subtendunt auguste Ianceolata, peracuta, 15 X 3 mm. Bracteae angustissimae, secundae ; bracteolae lineares vel etiam subulatae, secundae. Flores pro rata magni, cymose dispositi in ramis, aggregati, secundi. Calyx 7 X 1-5 mm.; tuba 5 mm. longa, striata, haud alata ; dentes 2 mm. longi, lineares, erecti. Corolla rosea, 10 mm. longa ; tuba 5 mm. lobi 4, in aestivatione imbricati, uno exteriore, vix contorti, valde inaequales ; 2 majores orbiculares, 2 minores oblongi, obtusi. Stamina 4, subaequalia sed unius filamento in corollae tuba paullo altius affixo, et supra decurvato : antherae subaequales, 2 mm. longae, subversatiles. Stylus filamentis longe excedens, stigmate breviter bilobato. Ovarium oblongum, angustum. Capsula cylindrica, 3 x 1*5 mm., nigrescens ; semina irregulariter polygona, nigrescentia. (See fig. p. 131.)

In saxosis planis intra nemora, apud Castle Eock, in District North Kanara, Provinciae Bombaiensis, ad 1600 ped. angl. alt., et circa 200 dig. angl. pluv., collegerunt T. E. D. Bell, CLE. et L. J. Sedgwick, mense Decembre A.D. 1917. Herb. Sedg. et Bell. 3393.

A member of the flora found on sheet rock in forest clearings. Differs very materially from all other Bombay species in the very simple, strict, erect habit with crowded, narrow bracteoles and flowers ; the calyx neither winged nor keeled but striate. One or two very small broadly ovate leaves were found on the stems ; but as those are almost certainly not typical vegetative leaves they were excluded from the description.