Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/570

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error in the duplicates is not excluded, it is not unreasonable to ac- cept them as identical with tha types. Kurz made, certainly, on a sheet in the Calcutta herbarium a note to the effect that the label must be wrong and that most of them seem to be wrong, but the latter part of the remark appears to me unduly pessimistic for with most of the sheets there is strong internal evidence of their correctness. There are however some species which I have not been able to trace, especially those founded by Ruhland, the types of which are per- sumably in Berlin. While therefore there are several forms which appear to be new species, they may not be so in reality. My new species are therefore advanced tentatively and with the object of avoiding the confusion which would inevitably follow a mistaken identification.

The illustrations given herein are mainly from photographs of her- barium sheets, and wherever possible, of the actual types cr co-types of the species. It is hoped that this will make identification easier and more confident.

In the descriptive portion I shall as a rule give references to the Flora of British India and Ruhland's monograph only, and shall omit all synonyms, since the ordinary collector does not need them. But for reference in herbaria I shall give in Appendix II the identi- fication marks and previous namings of all the sheets seen by me (practically all those in India and Ceylon) under the true species-name, as believed by me, and those interested will find the synonyms there. The usual enumeration of the collectors and their marks, in connec- tion with the distribution of each species, is (with this appendix) unnecessary and has been omitted.

Following the name and the references, I refer (in the usual place) to the type sheet or its duplicate whenever I have seen this. If the type has not been seen no reference is made as a rule to any sheet. My authority for the name will be found in the appendix.

I tender my most grateful thanks to Lit. -Col. Gage, I.M.S., at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Calcutta ; to Rao Bahadur K. Rangachariar of Coimbatore ; to Dr. Burns and Mr. R. K. Bhide of the Agricultural College, Poona ; to Mr. R. S. Hole of the Forest College, Dehra Dun, and to the Dr. Petch of Ceylon for very kindly lending me all the collections under their charge for examination ; and to Col. Gage in addition for lending me reference books. I am the more indebted to them since on account of military duties my work was so often and lengthily interrupted that I had to keep the sheets far longer than I had expected, the work being begun in the autumn of 1917. To Mr. Streenivasiah, my herbarium-keeper, I am also gratefully indebt- ed for much assistance, and he prepared;, nearly all the photographs,