Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/593

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Note to Contributors

It would greatly assist the Honorary Editor if the following rules are kept in mind by Contributors : —

All matter for the printer should be typed and on one side of the paper only. The name of a genus should begin with a capital letter, but that of the species only when it is adapted from a proper name. No comma should be put in after the specific name and before that of the founder of the species. The Editor will see to the type.

Illustrations in line should be drawn in India ink on smooth paper or card, and will reproduce best if at least twice as large as they will appear in the Journal. Photographs for reproduction by half-tone process must be on glossy paper and should be strong bright prints. Good results cannot be obtained from over-exposed negatives or weak prints.

Abstracts of papers in other Journals should begin with the author's name and initial, followed by the title of his paper and where it is published : the abstract itself beginning a new line.

Twenty-five reprints of original papers will be supplied free and more may be had on payment if asked for at the time the contribution is sent in.