Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/616

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teneris, instructa ; cellulae basilares multo laxiores ; foliorum innol vatiouum breviores, firniiores. Fructus aggregahcs, thecis 3-4 ve- pluribus simul emissis ; bracteae pericbaefciales plures, erectae, quam folia Iongiores, latiores, concavae, ceterum foliis caulinis similes. Theca (vix matura) 3 mm. longa, spbaerica, in vaginula 1 mm. longa sessilis. Cetera ignoia.

Hab. Rocks on hill-side, Karwar (6383) Sedgwick, c. fr. Rock, on open hill, Jog (6477) Sedgwick, apparently sterile. Moulmein. Burma, Rev. C. S. P. Parish (698) at. Herb. Mitten.

Differs from A. altemifolium in the longer, narrower leaves, with elongate, more delicate areolation, the aggregate setae, etc.

A. indicum Hampe and 0. M. differs in the smaller size very narrow, elongate finely subulate leaves, and thinner nerve.

I have found only two fruiting stems, the leaves of which do not differ widely from those of the sterile stems. I have not dissected an inflorescence ; it is probably paroicous. The nerve is not excurrent, even in the perichaetial leaves.

The Burmese plant is sterile, and I have therefore made the fruit- ing plant the type.

A. indicum appears at Kew'as "A. indicum Hpe...Pegu ; Yomah ; Kurz, No. 2889," Paris has it—" A. indicum CM. in Fl. 1888, No, 1," The true citation appears to be : —

A. Indicum Hampe and CM. in Fl. 1888, p. 8.

A further Indian species sent me by Mr, Sedgwick, gathered by Mr. R. B. Kinnear at Chikalda, G.P., is at present undescribed.


Leucoloma Renauldii Broth. Stem of tree, Jog. (6468).

Sedgwick's plant agrees quite well with the description of this very distinct species.

Brotherus (Musci, 1, 324) places L, Benaulclii in the § Vittata (Sub-gen. Taeniodictyon Ren.) ; but Renauld (Essai sur les Leuco- loma, p. 42) puts it in Sub-gen. Syncratodictyon, (§ Transmutantia) where no doubt it belongs from the character of the cells (" basin versus sensim longioribus "), and its relationship to e.g. L. amoene- virens Mitt. It appears to be somewhat intermediate between that and L. strictifolium described below, but is very distinct in the un- usually narrow leaves and nearly smooth cells.

Leucoloma Walked Broth. On stem of Galophyllum, Sampk- hand (6443).

Leucoloma strictifolium Dixon sp. nov. (fig. 2).

§ Transmutantia. Caespites extensi, dense intertexti, saturate virides, caules 1 .5 — 2cm. alti, strictiusculi, sat robusti. Folia erecto-