Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/637

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In the table opposite giving the scheme of probable relationship the re- duction of one female sepal is shown to have occurred four times and the total loss of a sepal three times. The most involved relationships are shown in the group near the bottom of the diagram. It will be seen that E. Dianae is through its varieties connected apparently both with E. quiqu angular e and with E. trilobum. The three species form in fact a closed ring, and the first two with their varieties form a second ring. JIow this can have come about through descent, I do not propose to discuss here ; the facts however are that the speoies or varieties shown connected by dotted lines are almost or quite indistinguishable except by the character of the one linear sepal, and those shown connected by firm lines are clearly related.

E. xeranthemum and E. truncatum with the female sepals 2 or 3, and E. collinum with them equal or unequal, contain within themselves the reduction of one sepal.

Key to the Simplices.

(a) Eeceptacle glabrous.

  • Female sepals 3.

1 Female petals broadly oblanceolate or spathulate with large black glands. Scapes 10-15 in ; heads 1/2 in ; female petals

visible beyond the bracts (Burma) ... 4 E. Collettii. Scapes 1/2-2 in ; solitary or clustered ;

heads 1/3 in. (S. Indian Hills) ... 3 E. Geoffreyi.

Scapes 4-5 in., heads 1/4 in. stems branched

densely tufted ; leaves 2-3 in., linear,

(Shillong) ... 5 E. barba-caprae.

Scapes 2-3 in., tufted ; leaves 1-1/2 in., linear ;

heads 1/6 in. (Khasia) ... 6 E. gregatum.

t 1 Female petals narrow, with small or no glands ; or absent. Scapes 4-6 in.; heads" 1/6-1/4 in., globose ... 7 E. nepalense. Scapes 1-2 in. ; heads 1/8 in., do. ... 8 E. Pumilio.

Scapes 1-1/2-2 in. ; leaves 1/3-1-1/4 in., heads

1/6 in. truncate at base (Ceylon) ... 9 E. Trimeni. Involucral bracts twice as long as the head. 12 E. xeranthemum.

  • * Female sepals 2, rarely 3.

Scapes 2-4 in. ; heads 1/4 in. ; truncate by the

very horizontal involucre (Assam to Malacca and to Ceylon) ... 10 E. truncatum.

Scapes 4-6 in. ; heads 1/6 in. ; bracts reflexed

(Central Provinces) ... 11 E. Duthiei.

(b) Receptacle villous.

  • Female sepals 3 all equally boat-shaped or flat,

i Ls. red or drying red.