Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/639

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Stem O. Leaves 3-5 in. by 1/3-1/2 in. at the base, many nerved, glabrous. Scapes several, 10-15 in., slender, glabrous. Heads 1/2 in. nearly globose, white; involucral bracts black, reflexed. Receptacle glabrous. Floral bracts acute. Female flr:—Sepals 2 boat shaped, 1 flat; petals longer, broadly oblanceolate or spathulate, with large glands, and protruding beyond the floral bracts. Male flower normal, petals with large glands. Plate 3.

Upper Burma and Shan Hills.

Hooker in F.B.I, placed the species among those with the male petal longer than the others and protruding beyond the bracts, possibly (if the plants taken above as this species are correctly so named) deceived by the very similar appearance of the female petals on the outside of the head. But the male petals are quite equal, and in other respects this appears to belong to this section.

5. E. barba-caprae Fyson, sp. nov. (Collett at Shillong 10/10/90 in Herb. Calc.) Caulis paulum elongatus et divisus hence plantae dense caespitosae. Folia 5-8 cm. longa, basi valde dilatata, linearia, acuta. Pedunculi plures, circe 10 cm. Capitulla 6 mm. Receptaculum