Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/646

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Heads obconic or hemispheric. Sepals of both sexes 2 only, narrow. Female petals 0. Seeds broadly ovate, dark brown, with longitudinal lines. Fig. on p. 203.

Khasia, Eastern Bengal ; Bombay, N. Kanara. The habit and general appearance show this to be probably a derivative of E.Thwaitesii; it is therefore put here though there are no petals in the female flower. Koerniche however compared this species with E. truncatum Mart. [ ? Ham.].

16. E. quinquangulare L. (Herb. Linn. Prop !) ; F.B.I, vi 582, No. 36 ; Euhl. No- 122.

Stem short or O. Leaves 1-2 in. long, narrowed from the 1/4 in. base flat, usually red. Scapes numerous, 3-5 in. long, slender. Heads 1/5-1/4 in diam., globular or often conical, black gray or white. In- volucre light brown, reflexed. Receptacle hairy ; flowers normal '» sepals flat. Plate 9.

Central Himalaya, Kumaon ; Bengal ; Chota Nagpur ; Central Provinces ; and southwards through the Peninsular India on the plains and the Mysore plateau to Ceylon. Not apparently on the higher levels and not in Burma, except Var. Martiana.

I have seen Linneeus' own type but not of course dissected it, arid the description is taken from sheets in Herb. Calc. and living plants.

Var. b. Walkeri Hook. f. F.B.I, vi 583, No. 39 ; Euhl. No. 123. "Very similar to E. quinquangulare vera but differing in the much more hairy receptacle and other parts. Ceylon. This should certainly be considered only a variety, for although Hooker in the F.B.I, states it to be a very distinct species, the type sheet in the Ceylon Herbarium is almost, if not exactly, matched by Clarke's No. 20849, collected in Bengal, and intermediates occur.

Var c. Martiana Wall. (Wall. Cat. 7279 in Herb. Calc. !) ; F.B.I, and Euhl. I.e. under E. quinquangulare. Involucral bracts much longer than the floral and extending about 1-1/4 inch beyond the head.

Burma. Hooker in F.B.I, called this plant a proliferous state of E. qtiinquangulare. But the plant with this number in the Calcutta Herbarium is not proliferous.

17. E. roseum Fyson, sp. nov. (Kurz. 232 in Herb. Calc.) Caulis perbrevis. Folia caespitosa 2-8 cm. longa, basi ad apicen con- tracta, plana, tenuia, in sicco rubescentia. Pedunculi plures, valde tenuia, glabra, 10-25 cm. alta. Capitula 4-6 mm., lata, sed bractae involucrantes demum 2-3 mm. longiores, tenues et reflexae. Bractae flores superantes acutae, nigrescentes. Eeceptaculum altum, valde villosum. Flores trimeri, flos 8; sepala in spathan antice fissam connata ;