Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/7

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The Baobab, Teynampet,

September 15, 1919.

Dear Sir,

I am sending under separate cover a copy of the first number of a new botanical journal which has been founded under the name of the "Journal of Indian Botany" for the publication of original papers in Botany which would not naturally find a place in the existing Indian Journals. For there is no other journal in India which could accept a paper on Ecology, Physiology, Histology, or the Cryptogams, except such as might be of agricultural interest. Yet India is so large a country, has so rich a flora, and so varied a climate that there are here ample possibilities of work, the results of which might prove of value to botanists in almost every part of the world.

The number now sent is only the first: the second will be out next month (October), and it is intended to publish ten numbers annually. One can hardly doubt that the Journal will, as it becomes better known, contain more papers and increase in importance.

I venture to suggest, therefore, that you will find it of interest and that it would make a suitable addition to the library of your college or university on account not only of the original papers, but also perhaps of the abstracts which it will contain of papers published elsewhere in India.

I enclose an order-form, and if you will fill it up and send the first year's subscription in any way that you find convenient, I shall be glad to forward you a copy of each number as it appears.

I am,
Yours faithfully,

Hon. Editor, Indian Journal of Science.