Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/72

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tacle. In both sub-groups reduction occurs in the female sepals, one of which may be reduced to a mere bristle or be absent altogether. This reduction, which is found also in other groups, is clearly correlat- ed with the compression of the flowers in the head, for it is the medial, ad-axial, sepal which is reduced in each case.

To this group belong (a) E. Geoffreyi sp. nov. (fig. 2), E. Collettii Hook, f., E. barba-caprae sp. nov., E. gregatum Koern., E. nepalense Presc, E. Pumilio Hook, f., E. truncatum Ham., E. Trimeni Hook, f., and E. Duthiei Hook f . ; (b) E. xeranihemwi Mart., E. luzulae folium Mart., E. Thivaitesii Koern., E. achiton Koern., E. quinquangulare L., E. roseum sp. nov., E. trilobum Ham., E. collinum Hook, f., E. Diana sp. nov., and E. Sedgwickii sp. nov.

II. SETACEUM. Submerged plants with elongate stems and linear leaves. The heads and flowers are small, but as in I. To this belong E, setaceum Linn. (not of F.B.I.) and E. intermedium Koern. (incl. E. setaceum of F. B. I.)

III. HIRSUTAE. Whole plant hairy, otherwise as in lb. To this belong E. Brownianum Mart. (incl. E. nilagirense Steud.), E. robust obroivnianum Ruhl, E. graeile Mart., E. Bhodae sp. nov., E. Wightianum Mart, (incl. E. Helferi Hook f.) and E. lanceolatum Miq.

IV. ANISOPETALAE. One male petal much enlarged and projecting beyond so as to hide the floral bracts (fig. 4), otherwise as in lb. To this belong E. odor at urn Dalx., E. longicuspis Hook, f., (incl. E. polycephalum Hook, f.,) E. atratum Koern., E. ceylanicum Koern. (incl. E. subcaulescens Hook, f.), E. caulescens Steud. (incl. E. robust um Hook, f.) and E. cristatum Mart.

V. SCARIOSAE. Involucral and floral bracts glabrous and scarious, otherwise as in lb. To this belong E. oryzetorum Mart., E. Hamiltonianum Mart., and E. Ediuardii sp. nov.

VI. CRISTATO-SEPALAE. Female sepals strongly boat shap- ed, and crested or swollen along the keeli ; otherwise as in I. E. Margaretae sp. nov., E. Eleanorae sp. nov., E. minutum Hook, f., E. stellulatum Koern., E. echinulatimi Mart., E. cuspidatum Dalz., E. sexangulare L. (incl. E. longifolium Nees.) and E. Thomasi sp. nov. The last three species having thick rather than crested keels should possibly be separated into another group, but only an examination of species of other countries could determine this. The group appears to have its centre in north South America. Considerable reduction in sepals and petals occurs (figs. 5, 6, 7).

VII. CONNATO-SEPALAE. The female sepals are connected into a spathe like calyx, like the male of other groups. E. alpestre Hook, f. (fig. 8). A small group apparently confined to China, Japan and the Tibetan Himalayas, and quite distinct from any other Indian species.