Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/722

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Literature Cited.

1. Beal, W. J.— Michigan flora. 1904.

2. Brandia, D— Indian trees. 1907.

3. Champion, H. G. — Observations on some effects of fires in chir (Pimcs longifolia) forests of the West Almora Division. Indian Forester 45 : 353-364. 1919.

4. Clements, F. E. — Plant successions. Carnegie Institute of Washington, Publication No. 242, 1917.

5. Coville, F. V. — The influence of cold in stimulating the growth of plants. Jour. Agr. Ees. 20 : 151-160. 1920.

6. Cowles, H. C. — The causes of vegetative cycles. Bot. Gaz. 51 : 161-183. 1911.

7. Dudgeon, Winfield. — A contribution to the ecology of the upper Gangetic plain. Jour. Ind. Bot. 1 : 296-324. 1920.

8. Neville, H. R— Naini Tal Gazeteer. 1904.

9. Osmaston, A. E. — Observations on some effects of fires and on lightning struck trees in the chir forests of the North Garhwal Division. Indian Forester 46: 125-131. 1920.

10. Schimper, A. F. W. — Plant geography upon a physiological basis. English Oxford Edition. 1903.

11. Smithies, E. A, — Sylvicultural systems of regeneration in chir pine forests. Indian Forester 39 : 513*525. 1913.

12. Warming, E. — Ecology of plants. Oxford English Edition. 1909.