Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/742

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Ruhland described (Ic. p. 77) the Malay Peninsula form (var. c) as a distinct species E. macrophyllum (Ruhl. No. 95) but if the sheet so named in Herb. Calc. is identified correctly it is in my opinion the same species. In Herb. Calc. is a sheet from China which might equally well be separated as a distinct species.

23. E. robusto-brownianum Ruhl. (Law in Canara, Dhar- war and Bellary in Herb. Calc. !) ; Ruhl No. 96. Size and habit of the last species but leaves half as long as the scapes. Floral bracts acuminate, very white because covered with thick white hairs, giving the head a white echinulate appearance. Female petals hairy, narrow at the base, with large glands. Plate 18.

Peninsular India, Western Mysore and Kanara. A very striking plant because of the white acuminate floral bracts. There are no sheets exactly like it from Burma of the Malay, but the species re-appears in Yuman (Dr. Henry) in a smaller form. Wall. Cat. 6967 B, des- cribed by me in Kew Bulletin 1914 as E. mysorense sp. nov. is I think this species. [ had not then seen Ruhland's type quoted above, but I have not seen Wallich's sheet again to compare with the type.

24. E. gracile Mart. (Wall. Cat. 6079 in Herb. Calc. !) ; F. B. I. vi 577, No. 19, under E. sericans ; Ruhl. No. 98.

Annual {Mart). Leaves 2-li by i in., tapering to the acute apex. Scapes 8-12 in. glabrous, very slender. Heads | in. globose snow- white. Involucre pale yellow, pubescent. Floral bracts, acute or cuspidate, darkish, pubescent. Female flower : — Sepals boat-shaped, narrow. Petals, nearly glabrous, broadly oblanceolate without glands, unequal, longer than the sepals. Male flower normal. Plate 19.

Burma ; Prome, on the banks of the Irrawaddy {Mart). There is a second sheet Wall Cat. 6082 in Herb. Calc. very similar in external appearance, but the female petals larger and more unequal. Ruhl- and said this species is not the same as E. sericans Mart, and that the latter is E. Wightianum Mart, as also did Koarniche.

Var Kurzii. Kurz. 2638 in Herb. Calc. ! Plate. 20.

Stem and leaves as in E. gracile typica. Scapes about 5 in. glabrous. Heads J in. hemispheric. Involucre horiz ontal bracts oblong, projecting well beyond the margin, pale, glabrous. Floral bracts snortly cuspidate, pubes- cent. Female sepals short and narrow. Female petals unequal, one much the largest and projecting beyond the bracts, glands small. Seeds reddish, broadly oval.

Burma, Rangoon.

25. E. Rhodae Fyson, sp. nov. (Fyson 9696 in Herb. Madras) Caulis perbrevis. Folia iisdem sp. E. nilagirense similes Pedunculi plures 15-30 cm. Capitula globosa 1.2-2 cm. Bractae involucrantes reflexae. Bractarum flores superantium inferiores albae, acutae ;