Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/744

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superiores quomodo nigrescentes, dorso pubescentes. Eecepfcaculum villosum. Flores trimeres flos ? longi-pedicillata, sepala gequalia, navicularia, alba, glabra ; petala magna, lanceolata, sub spongiosa, dorso sparsepilosa. Semen rubrum, glabrum. Flos i o breviter pedi- cellata ; antherae nigrae. (See Fig. p. 265).

Peninsular India ; Mysore and Wynaad in water.

Eemarkable for tbe white sepals and bracts and for the stalked petals as in E. lanceolatum. Also for the long-pedicels of the flowers, especially of the female which are often stalked beyond the .'male re- calling but in reverse, the arrangement of spkelets in Andropogon. The scarious floral bracts, very nearly glabrous, distinguish the plant in the field from the other species of -the group. In the herbarium the plants are characterised by untidy-looking heads, in great contrast to the very firm neat echinulate heads, of E. robusto-broionianum, which occurs in the same localities.

26. E. Wightianum Mart.; F. B. I. vi 576, No. 17 in part; Buhl- No. 92. Perennial (Mart.) Scapes 6-10 in. Leaves half as long, by |-f in., slightly hairy ; as also the scapes. Heads 4 in., globular lby the reflexed involucre, snow white, with white floral bracts, the ower of which are nearly glabrous. Female petals ovate lanceolate distinctly clawed, with small or no gland, and spongey. Plate 21.

Burma. Moulmein etc, Tavoy.

Hooker in F.B.I. I.e. included the Peninsular plant, E. robusto-brownia- num Ruhl. in this species.

Var. Helferi Hook, f, (Heifer 1584 in Herb. Calc. 1 !) F.B.I, vi, 583 No. 38, Euhl. lc. A much smaller plant. Scapes 5-8 in., slender. Leaves 2-3 by | in., acute. Heads i in. Female petals shorter and broader that in the type. Plate 22.


Founded as a distinct species by Hooker but certainly a geographical form and reduced as such by Ruhland.

27. E. lanceolatum Miq. ; F.B.I, vi 577, No. 20; Euhl, No. 99. Scapes slender 5-6 in. hairy. Leaves 2| cm. by | in. at the widest, acute, nearly or quite glabrous. Heads f in., white. Floral bracts short, darkish, obcuneate, but overtopped by the female sepals which are longer and visible beyond them. Female petals shorter or longer than the sepals, oblanceolate, often or always unequal in length. Seeds dark brown, oval. Plate 23.

Western Peninsular on the Malabar Coast. Eemarkable for the glabrous conspicuous sepals.

{To be Continued).