Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/818

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C. B. Clarke, in Flora British India, IV, p. 562, (1885) followed Schauer referring the common Indian and Ceylon plant to Lantana Camara L, and citing its previous identifications as Lantana aculeata L. in Roxb. Hort. Beng. 46, and as L. mixta L. in Thwaites, Enum. Plant. Zeyl., 242.

Trimen, Handbook of the Flora of Ceylon, III, p. 346 (1895), wrote "With regard to the right name for this common weed, L. mixta L. is adopted by Thwaites, and L. Camara L. in Flora British India, IV, 562 ; but our plant is always prickly, and is well represented in the figure quoted by Linnaeus for his L. aculeata (Plukenet, Phyt., t. 233, f. 5), made from a plant then (1696) in cultivation at Hampton Court."

Cooke, Flora of the Bombay Presidency, II, p. 419 (1905), follows Flora British India in adopting the name L. Camara L. for the prickly species with orange-coloured flowers, and cites L. aculeata L. as a synonym.

Ceylon botanists have followed Trimen in regarding L, aculeata as dis- tinct from, not a form of, L. Camara. In Ceylon we have, as far as has yet been recorded, only the yellow-red-flowered form of this species.