Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/820

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of the Nilgiris, an older species, to which therefore I reduce it. There is no difference except in the number of scapes between E. policep- halum Hook. f. of Central India and E. long ic as-pi s Hook. f. of Ceylon.

Key to the Anisopetalae.

  • Heads 1/6-1/4 in. diam.

Lj. 1-1 in., lanceolate; scapes 6-10 in.

(Malabar) ... 28 E. odoratum

Ls. 2^-3 in., linear from a broad base ;

(scapes 12-18 in Khasia) ... 33 E. cristatum,

  • * Heads 1/4-1/2 in. diam.

Floral bracts acuminate (Central India and Ceylon) ... 29 E. longicuspis.

Floral bracts not acuminate (Ceylon) — Involucre black ... 30 E. atratum.

Involucre white ... 31 E. ceylanicium.

  • * * Heads 1/2 — 1 in, diam.

Stem stout, -short or caulescent (S. India

and Ceylon) ... 32 E. robustum.

28. E. odoratum Dalz. F.B.I, vi. 574, No. 9 ; Ruhl. No. 187. Stem disciform. Leaves 1-3 in, by 1/8 in. at the base, and narrowed to the acuminate apes. Scape filiform, 6-1 in., deeply grooved. Heads 1/6-1/4 in. snow white ; bracts cuspidately acuminate. Sepals of the female flowers 3 or 2 only ; otherwise flowers normal. Female petals with large glands. Smells strongly of camomile {Dalz). Plate 24.

The Concan, " in standing water " (F.B.I J Malabar, ft. Sept.


I have seen only two sheets, both in Herb. Calc. One coll. by Hooker and Thomson, has apparently the female sepals 2 only, and black involucral bracts. The other Meebold No. 9889, has the female sepals 3 and the bracts pale. In other respects and especially in the large glands of the female petals they are alike. Hooker in F.B.I, describes the female sepals as longer than the petals.

29. E. longicuspis Hook. f. (C.P. 789 in Herb. Ceylon ! ) F.B.I, vi, 573, No. 7 and 8 ; Ruhl. p. 116 "incognita."

Stem disciform, leaves usually 3 (2-8) in. Bracts acuminate, fringed with white hairs, and more or less hidden by the projecting male petals the lowest of which form a conspicious fringe round the head. Flowers regular and normal. Plate 25 and fig. opposite.

Var. a. typica scape solitary. Ceylon.

Var. b. polycephalum. Hook. f. (Duthie 10,580 in Herb. Calc !) F.B.I. I.e. No. 8. Scapes numerous, otherwise as type.