Page:The Journal of Indian Botany.djvu/828

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      • Heads 1/3 inch or more.

t Floral bracts much longer than the flowers giving the head a glistening white, echinulate appearance (Western Ghats) ... 40 B. stellulatum.

1 Floral bracts short, closely imbricate, involucre horizontal. Leaves oblong, with cuspidate apex. (Western

Ghats) ... 45 B. cuspidattfm.

Leaves linear to oblong-lanceolate, not cuspi-

dote (Western Ghats and Burma) ... 46 E. sexangulare.

Heads globose, peduncle thickened below it ... 47 E. Thomasi.

37. E. Margaretae Fyson, sp. nov. (Fyson 3839 ! Sedgwick 2979 !) Caulis perbrevis. Folia angusto-linearia aut setacea, 3-5 cm., longa, glabra. Pedunculi 5-10 cm., tenuia. Capitula 1.5 mm, lata, demum conica, alba, glabra. Bractae involucrantes glabrae, straminea. Bractea flores superantes similes, glabrae aut sub-pubescentes, acutae. Flores tri-meres. Flos £ sepala oequalia, apice acuta, medio navicu- lari-carinata, carina spongiosa ; petala oblanceolate, ciliate. Flos S antherae nigrae ; petala et sepala 3.

Bombay and Mysore on the Western Ghats, Rudrasiri, Bidi (Belgaum District).

The peduncles are very slender, and the pale glabrous conical heads are very similar to those of E. Hamiltonianwn var. minor (sp. No. 35). The three female sepals are all equal, winged and acute above the wing, otherwise the plants are very like the next species.

This may be E. heterolopis :Steud, but I have not seen any sheet so named. Ruhland lc. s. described that species as having broader leaves and with the inner involucral bracts obtuse and lacerate. See also note in Appendix I.

38. E. Elenorae Fyson, sp. nov. (Gudalur 15 XI 88, in Herbi Madras !) Proximo affinis species E. Margaretae, sed sepala feminis floris inaequalia. Plantae robustiores. Folia latiora, ad 2.5 mm. Capitula majora, ad 3-4 mm. lata. Receptaculam altius, villosum. Bractae involucrantes acutae aut cuspidatae. Sepala floris ^ inaequa- lia, primum et secundum carinata ; tertium paulum brevius, valde angustius, ecarinatum. Flos o antherae nigrae, petala et sepeia 3. Plate 35.

Peninsular India ; on the Western Ghats at Mahabaleshwar, Castle Eock, etc., Gudalur.

Leaves 1-3 in. by 1/16-1/10 in. at the middle, 5 or 6-nerved Scapes numerous, variable in height 2-5 in., glabrous 4 or 5-ribbed. Involucral bracts elliptic-acute, at first horizontal later reflexed.