Page:The Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia (IA journalindianar00loga).pdf/18

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The Orang Sletar of the Rivers and Creeks of the Old Strait and Estuary of the Johore, by J. R. Logan. ... 302.


Table of Measurements illustrative of the physical peculiarities of the Mintira, Biduanda Kallang, and Sabimba, by J. R. Logan. ... 305.


The Superstitions of the Mintira, with some additional remarks on their customs &c., by J. R. Logan. 307-331*

Hantu or Spirits of Disease &c., 307.— Spells, tuju, 308.— Incantations and Invocatios, 308.— for Defence (Pendinding), 309.— Love (Pengaseh), 310.— Sweetness (Pimánis), 311.— Subjection of others (Pánundo), 312.— Abasing of others (Chucha), 313.— Rendering enemies speechless (Pemátá Lida,) 314.— Hatred (Pebinchi) 315.— Spells used in attacking elephants, 316.— Id. to allay Storms, 317.— For safety in the Forest id., for expelling spirits of disease, 318.— Amulets, 318.— Wishing Places, id.— Superstitions of Cultivation, ceremonics and charms on selecting ground, cutting forest, planting or sowing and reaping rice, 320-2*.— Marriage, 322*.— Birth and naming, 323-5.— Burial, 325*.— World beyond the Grave, id.— Traditional traces of Origin, 326*. The relation of the Malays to the Mintira 328*.— Orang Rawa of Sumatra, their annual immigrations into the Malay Peninsula, growing power, and oppression of the Mintira id.— Miscellaneous Remarks, constitution of society, training of children, measures, music, weapons, diseases, fruit used, varieties of paddy 330-1*.


Visit of a Party of Orang Mintira to Singapore, by J. R. Logan. ... 330-6.*


The Ethnology of the Johore archipelago, by J. R. Logan. ... 336*-40*

Description of the Archipelago, names of tribes, 336*.— Pulo Battam and its tribes id.-337*.

I. The Orang Muka Kuning of Battam, habits, industry, 337*.— Religion confusion of religions, marriage, 338*.— Names, graves, physical peculiarities, 339-340*.


Remarks on the Sleter & Sabimba Tribes: by J. T. Thomson, Esq. Hon. M. N. H. S. of Newcastle. ... 341*-351*.

Two boats of orang Sletar visit the Gunboat, their appearance and man-