Page:The Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia (IA journalindianar00loga).pdf/23

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The design of this Journal has been so fully explained in the Prospectus, that we might have dispensed with any Preface, if we had not been desirous of recording the cor- dial reception which has been given to the proposal to establish it. In particular, the warm interest which the Honorable Colonel Butterworth, C.B. Governor of the Straits Settlements, has, from the first, taken in the project, and the cordial encouragement and support which he has given to it, demand a special acknowledgement. The Bengal Government have countenanced the work in the manner recommended by him, not only by liberally subscribing to it, but by authorizing every facility to be given for the communication of information by the Officers of Government in the Straits Settlements. From most of the local Authorities we have received assurances of their aid; and the knowledge which they possess, and the op- portunities which they enjoy of obtaining information, give a high value to their assistance. Many Residents in the Straits, whose names will appear in good time where we most wish to see them, had no sooner become acquaint- ed with our design than they promised contributions; and the valuable article on Gutta Percha which we are enabled to present in the first number, with its important and original information, is an earnest how able and willing they are to co-operate in rendering our countrymen better acquainted with the Archipelago and its resources.

We shall endeavour to keep two principal objects stea- dily in view. The first is, to present as many papers as possible that are either original or new to the English reader. The second is, to make the Journal a work of reference on all subjects connected with the Archipelago.