Page:The Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia (IA journalindianar00loga).pdf/331

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are firm but thick. The jaws a little prognathous, but the firmness of the lips diminishes the effect. When viewed in profile the fea- tures seem to be arranged on a curve.[1] The man has a beard of straggling and coarse white hairs, which is stronger than that which Malays generally possess who allow the beard to grow. Each shoulder has a band of similar hair, but that upon his person generally is not remarkable.

His shoulders are narrow and arms fleshless, approaching in this respect to the Australians. The woman's face is very broad across the check bones, so as to present the most Mangolian of all the heads.

Both individuals at first seemed without ideas, and averse to conversation. The man when questioned answered, and to a certain extent overcame his reserve. In the evening of the second day he became very loquacious under the influence of a glass of cherry brandy, and has since been communicative. The woman sits with her eyes fixed on the ground, and her face wearing an expression of hopeless stupidity. No smile, no glance or mo- tion betraying the presence of thought or feeling, has once lighted up her settled look of dulness. Her person is loaded with flabby fat, and clothed from the waist to the knees with a dirty sarong. A rag scantily covers her bosom. The curved gittá tábán handle of a páráng, which projects above the folds of her sarong tells the occupation from which the poor woman has been summoned.

I reserve my remarks on the language of this tribe and of the Beduandá Kálláng.


The Pulái lies farthest to the west of all the rivers that fall in- to the Straits of Singapore from the Peninsula. It derives some geographical interest from its rising in Gunong Puláí, the most southerly mountain, and having its embouchure near Tanjong Bouro the most southerly point, of Asia.

  1. In the lithograph, (profile No. 8) which is very good in other respects, the lips are not sufficiently thick, the general curve too slight, and the lower part of the face not sufficiently prominent.